Saturday 13 July 2013

The Homing Toad...

I suffer from lots of phobias, you name it, I’ve probably got the phobia, as opposed to the t-shirt.
Bufonophobia definitely holds the top spot or wart! Fear of toads is closely followed by ranidaphobia, fear of frogs.
Warts an' all...
As a phobia is described as an irrational fear of something there isn’t a lot I can do about it other than being shut (against my will) in a room full of frogs and toads for therapy and emerging some time later a jibbering wreck. (No change there then, I hear people who know me utter.)
This Bufonophobic state is not helped by the fact that Mr Toad insists on living in the upturned metal mop-bucket (yes, I’m still living in the age of steam) over the outside drain.
He, or his ancestor, resided there last year. How long do toads live? At least it gives me a good excuse not to mop the floor.
Last year I even plucked up courage to take the said toad in the said mop-bucket, held at arms-length on the broom handle, down to the brook (just hope no-one saw me!), and guess what, by night he was ambling back through the gate. A homing toad no less!
I have discovered that frogs hop and toads sort of lollop. *shudder*
Having said all that, I don’t wish any of them any harm, I just wish they felt the same about me!
I recently needed the mop-bucket and had to ask my Long Term Attachment (he does come in useful sometimes) to remove Mr Toad. He placed him gently him in a plastic bucket in the shade and replaced him to his chosen abode later.
Is it the same one...?
 I have just researched the longevity of toads and found that a 40 year lifespan is average if they don’t get eaten by snakes or hedgehogs. Now hedgehogs I like…snakes…ophidiophobia…

Thanks for your time.
The Old Country Crone xx

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